Tuesday 5 April 2011

3rd Meeting

Present: Marcus, Nikki, Elaine, Claire, Tony (from yrs 5, 1 and nursery)

Actions from last week:
  • Changed name quickly to PIP, as POP for Princethorpe parents
  • We tried our new computers in parents room
  • Uniform day agreed for next term, 
  • Large noticeboard to be installed in playground next week
  • Texting - letter went out to all parents yesterday
  • Sports day - waiting for news from school.  Cannot have competitive tournament.
  • Friday afternoon waiting on school plans

Discussion about how technology has changed, whether people use it and why.

Searched Google for our names - started discussion about what information is public and what is private, what is available on web, if we are comfortable with what is out there, who is representing us, Weoley Castle and our school, and how we can use info technology to improve parent voice at Paganel, alongside noticeboard and other means.

 'Why hadn't I heard about...' came up - how we can make sure more parents know what is happening, and eventually how we can make sure parents can take a more active role, i.e. if parents and school know more about each other, can better support children in school.

Next meeting we will start on our noticeboard.  Newsletter also discussed as a possibility in future.  Date of next meeting: Tuesday 3rd May 2011